Special Thanks:

Created by Steve 14 years ago
To Dr. Sue McDiarmid, Jen's liver transplant physician, for your wonderful care, guidance, love, compassion and friendship these past 21 years for Jennifer as well as Tana and myself. We love you, Sue! To Dr. Ronald Busuttil, Jen's transplant surgeon who said 20 years ago that Jennifer was going to do better than many expected. She did Doc and under the care of you and your staff, did well for 21 wonderful years. Thank you. To Jen's many other doctors over the years and especially the ones that worked so hard to get Jennifer home from her 7-month hospital stay November, 2009. Those last three weeks we had at home with Jennifer were truely wonderful and something that wouldn't have been possible were it not for your efforts, expertise, persistence and care, as well as the trust in us as care providers. Thanks to you all! To all of the nurses at UCLA that have cared for Jen over the years. You are like family and we will dearly miss seeing you. The care and love you gave to Jennifer will always be remembered. Thanks for all of your cards! To the Saint James Inn for no-cost housing in Westwood during the past 3 years! The warm and safe home you provide to those in need is a blessing from God. For my wonderful wife that never waivered in her dedication, care and love not only for Jennifer but for Zack and myself as well. We had 21 wonderful years with sweet Jennifer only because of your care for her, honey. God couldn't have blessed us with a better care provider, wife and mother! We love you. To my son, Zack. I know that your life wasn't easy with Jennifer's condition. I'm sure that many times you may have felt "slighted" with all of the care and attention given to Jen but please know that we always have and always will love you more than anyone ever will. Also know, Zack, that when we spoke your name to Jennifer, she looked around, most likely hoping that you were near. She couldn't tell you but she loved her big brother. We love you, son! To my mother, Betty Seufert. The times that she came from the East Coast to be with us for love and support will never be forgotten. Mom, you are what God had in mind when he created Grandmothers! We miss you. Say hello to Jen. To my father who met Jen for the first time December 6th when she went "Home". You finally get to be the wonderful Grandfather I knew you would have been down here. I know that Jennifer will see me in your eyes just as she saw you in mine because your love and guidance were so infuential in making me that man I am today. I miss ya', dad! To Chris, my dear sister, who was on a plane from Michigan to California in a heartbeat with her support, love and care when we needed her most. You were always there. Thanks as well to her family for sharing her. Love ya', Turkey! To Dave and Savine Higgins. It was these wonderful friends that took Tana and I to Hawaii, our first trip away from Jennifer together. With care from nurses and my mother, it went perfect! To Jennifer's long-time home-care nurses and our friends, Juanita and Josie, who's love and dedication to Jennifer and to her care, helped us through some tough times these past 20 years. Thanks for being there whenever we needed you! To my special long-time friends Ray Johnson, Bill Welsh, Bruce Sonnenberg and Mike Buccino that have come "full-circle" with me in life and death. It was nearly 30 years ago that I met these men-of God when I became a new Christian and they have guided, directed and prayed for me and my family all of these years. My current Pastor was right when he said that I can sure pick great friends and pastors! It was an honor to have you participate in Jennifer's celebration! To our pastor, Scott Wilson, who officiated at Jennifer's service and knew the right things to say at the right time. Thanks, Scott, for your friendship and guidance this past year. And, my friend, you were right. "Death Sucks"!!! To Laurie DeRemer for bringing an angel's voice in song to Jennifer's celebration. Wow!!! "We're So Glad You Came"!!! To my friend from RV.Net, Cat, for her wonderful poem she wrote for Jennifer. To my employer and friend, Scott Bramhall. Thanks for understanding "family" and how important it was for me to be with Jennifer and Tana the many times I was absent from work. To our dear friend Maggie Settle for her donation in Jennifer's name to UCLA. To Laurie Reyen, Jennifer's TPN nurse, for her donation in Jennifer's name to The Painted Turtle Camp and for her care and support for Jen and us. To our friend, Rosh Wright and Ed Veek, for their donation in Jennifer's name to the Easter Seal Foundation. To all of our friends and family. It was your love, encouragement, concern and prayers that helped us so much these past years and especially now that Jen is gone. We love you all! To everyone that attended Jennifer's celebration. We know many of you came from far away, gave up a day of work and made other concessions to be with us. For this, we are truely grateful! Thanks to our Church family at Gold Coast. Many helped with flowers, planning, the catering and clean-up at Jennifer's service. You will never know how much this meant to Tana and I. We love you all! Thanks to Lynn Knuth for the special gift of the angel as well as covering the caterer's labor expense. You are wonderful, Lynn! To the many friends I have yet to meet on RV.Net for the support, private messages and words of support on the web-site. To Craig Kiester, infamous Mandrake, another RV.Net buddy, for the phone calls and encouragement over the years. And to Joe Capps of RV.Net for his offer of free housing near UCLA when we were there. I still look forward to meeting you, Joe! And a very special thanks to the parents that selfishly made a decision to donate their child's organs when their child passed away. It was this gift that enabled Jennifer's life to continue for 20 years while at the same time allowing a part of their child to live on as well. Words aren't enough to express our gratitude for that gift you gave. And, praises be to the Healer of our lives, Jesus Christ. I can't imagine where I would be without Him!