Tana's Letter To The UCLA Ethics Department

Created by Steve 15 years ago
This letter was written and read to the UCLA Ethics Department by Jennifer's mother Tana. It's purpose was to explain why medical care should be continued for Jennifer at a time when we as parents were being questioned about continuing care. What Jennifer means to us, her parents, is much different than someone who sees only her physical body. She is our daughter, and she is a sister, niece, cousin & friend to people who love her. She is an extra special person, not just because of her disabilities, but in spite of them. She isn’t like most people, but this is in the best of ways. By explaining how remarkable Jennifer is will help in understanding why her life is so valuable. Although, isn’t any life valuable? Certainly there isn’t any distinction in our minds. It is because of who she is that makes Jennifer truly extraordinary. One of her many nicknames even today is “Smiley”. Even after her transplant & subsequent brain damage, she still smiles…..a lot, she even laughs. Her personality still shines through. You can have the absolute worst day, and then you look over at Jennifer, laying in her bed, unable to do anything for herself & she is smiling. You think to yourself, my troubles aren’t that bad. If she can still smile, after all that she has been through, then maybe I need to look at what I think is so terrible & reevaluate. My troubles are never as bad as I initially thought. Jennifer contributes to society or the world we live in by being a great teacher, but you have to be paying attention. She is not a lecturer, of course, but someone who simply teaches by example. She is someone who usually never complains & even tolerates pain well. Jennifer has never hurt anyone by her own actions, something you can’t say about almost everyone. Jennifer enjoys the simple things in life – being talked to; having all the attention; a bath; a shampoo; getting her diaper changed; back, shoulder & foot rubs; stretching; kisses; hugs; the beginning of a car ride; high voices; music & feeling well. She seems to never take these things for granted. Jennifer expresses contentment, joy, surprise, satisfaction & happiness & you can tell when she is listening. She also communicates discomfort & pain, but she is a fighter. She has gone through many tough, life threatening situations. Each time she has hung in there, fought & recovered. Some people say a successful person is someone who can give much love & someone who can receive much love, so I say that Jennifer is a very successful person. It is not something you can easily describe, this love. Although we have been told by strangers that they could tell that Jennifer is very much loved, and Jennifer is a loving daughter. I guess it is somewhat inexplicable because it is a feeling between people, like all love relationships, & it is special. We know, though, that Jennifer knows we love her & we feel her love back. You might think it is a one way street, but it definitely is not. Joy & love are a big part of Jennifer’s life, which is the kind of quality of life that some people can only try to achieve. Jennifer has made us better people simply by being herself. She inspires us to be even better, more like herself. Jennifer makes the world a nicer place to be & we feel blessed to have her in our lives. She has attained what most people only hope to find. She is loved no matter what she can or cannot do, whether or not she smiles or does any of the cute things we cherish. Whatever care Jennifer needs at home is not a burden; it’s only a matter of logistics. We will do whatever we can for her until she lets us know that her body has had enough. That time may be sooner than what we would want, but we are more than willing to go the distance with her & give her a chance as long as she continues to fight. You see, we love her unconditionally. If you don’t agree that a life like this is worth trying to save, then we would just appreciate it if you would treat Jennifer with dignity, and respect her life & right to life. We ask that you would simply do what you would for any able-bodied & able-minded person who wants the best medical care. Lastly, we hope that Jennifer’s life has inspired you to at least take a good look at a disabled person & know that they have feelings & a personality, even if that can’t be fully expressed, & know that their life matters. This letter, through emails being forwarded & shared, was read by hundreds of people. Jennifer was an inspiration to many.